28th December
Got an invite from my cuz, Adha from Bandar Tun Hussein Onn. His 2 sons celebrated their birthday on the 25th (Ayiesh - 1st) and 28th (Ammar - 3rd). The party started at 4.30pm but as usual Adam tido bila dah petang. So we had to wait till our Prince woke up at 4.30pm. Hem tak boleh keluar rumah yet coz 'tuan besar' need to feed his tummy and mandi dulu. Aiyaaa Adam kalau makan memang take his own sweet time. Almost 5.30pm baru la we all gerak. Sampai sana cake semua dah potong so tak sempat la nak take any pictures of Adam with Ayiesh. And tak sempat juga nak tunjuk Adam how people celebrated their birthdays. Lately ni Bibik dah prepare Adam nak celebrate birthday. Once he listened to anyone singing 'Happy Birthday' he will clap his hands and buat2 muka malu dia.. perasan la anak Mummy ni.
Anyway ni ada gambar Adam and Ayiesh masa cukur jambul depa in June lalu. Buat together at Tok Mama and Tok Papa's house kat BP. (My parents la ni) Rambut Adam yang kembang setaman and lebat ni memang his hair since birth. Mummy lupa siapkan baju melayu so kena la anak Mummy guna baju Falling for You time potong jambut. Sorry Adam.
29th December (Maal Hijrah)
My parents and my family received an invitation from our family friend Muhammad to his wedding reception at Teluk Intan. Majlis sambut menantu. Yusri (my hubby aiya kekadang I guna panggilan Bi or Ayah) decided not to tag along. As usual 'not his cup of tea'. Dah terlanjur ke Teluk Intan my parents and I decided to merayap till Penang to visit my younger brother (Kemal@Abang) and family. This is why I took the 2 days leave. Cuti-cuti Malaysia. Abang booked 2 rooms at Taiping. Saja la dia and Fiza (his wife) nak go down the memory lane ingat cite zaman they all sekolah kat MRSM Taiping la kot. We all ok je. Best gak singgah Taiping.
Back to the wedding. My parents fetch Adam, Bibik and I from TTDI at about 11am. Hem as usual barang Adam je dah penuh satu kereta. Pening ni baru anak sorang. He has his own bag for clothes, his bakul for all his food, his backpack for all his day supplies (change of clites, nappies, wipes, toiletries etc.), his fav rocker, his bag of toys and books, a half bag of super jumbo mamy poko nappies etc. Nasib baik la muat kereta Tok Mama and Tok Papa. The adults bawa beg sorang satu je.
We arrived at the wedding reception at the same time the pengantin arrived at the hall. Heehhhehee.. Sampai we all terus makan. Jadi macam Adam la. Member dah mcm ulat in the car coz dah lapar. Nice juga concept the wedding. The half front of the dewan was blocked and reserved for the 'protocol' wedding reception (ie. with fixed agenda mcm kat hotel tu). The other half of the dewan was meant for kampung style malay wedding whereby tetamu datang, makan, jumpa family pengantin then balik. Have to admit that we were supposed to join the first half but since we were late we all dok diam-diam je kat belakang. Lagipun dah lapar so terus la ngap. Wedding tu sedia nasi hujan panas. First time I tengok. Serious tak penah jumpa kat Johor or KL. Lepas makan since Abang and family dah called from Taiping, we left the wedding. Tak sempat jumpa pengantin pun but sempat la jumpa Mak Pengantin.
Round jap kat bandar Telur Intan. Hem amazed gak tgk leaning tower of Teluk Intan but tak sempat amik gambar la. So I bagi link. Pi la tgk sendiri. Memang menarik the tower. Nampak sgt antik.

Alamak dah 9pm la... Kena mandi. Adam nak tido dah sat lagi. Kalau dah tido and Mummy tak peluk he will bangun again. So to be continued with our story on the 30th and 31st esok kot. Ciao for now.
Segment ilmu Cuti-cuti Malaysia
Teluk Intan
Teluk Intan is a town located in the state of Perak in Malaysia. It is the largest town in Hilir Perak district and third largest town in the state of Perak with an estimated population of around 110,000.
In the early days, the town was known as Teluk Mak Intan, after a female Mandailing trader. It was here that the Perak rulers held court from 1528 until Kuala Kangsar became the royal town in 1877 [1].
During the British protectorate era, the named was changed to Teluk Anson (Anson Bay), in honour of a British Officer and last Lieutenant-Governor of Penang, Major-General Sir Archibald Edward Harbord Anson who drew the plan of the modern township in 1882.
In 1982 during the centenary of the town's establishment, the name was changed again to Teluk Intan (Diamond Bay) by the Sultan of Perak. The town has a number of colonial buildings and Chinese shophouses together with modern buildings and a few shopping complexes.
Widely known as the Pearl of the Orient, Penang is one of Asia's most famous islands. Its
natural beauty and exotic heritage have been attracting curious visitors for centuries.
Travel guides have referred to it as " . . . a place of mysterious temples and palm-shrouded beaches", while literary giant Somerset Maugham is known to have stayed on the island and spun tales about the romance of the white planter in South-East Asia. Widely known as the Pearl of the Orient, Penang is one of Asia's most famous islands. Its natural beauty and exotic heritage have been attracting curious visitors for centuries.
Penang or its Malay name of Pulau Pinang is made up of a turtle-shaped island, a total of 292 square kilometers, and a strip of land called Seberang Prai on Peninsular Malaysia about 48 kilometers wide.
Since 1985, the island has been joined to the mainland by the Penang Bridge, one of the longest bridges in the world. Alternatively, travellers arriving from the mainland can hop onto the ferry and take a 20-minute ride across. There are also international flights that connect directly to the international airport on the island. Penang or its Malay name of Pulau Pinang is made up of a turtle-shaped island, a total of 292 square kilometers, and a strip of land called Seberang Prai on Peninsular Malaysia about 48 kilometers wide.
Taiping is a town in the state of Perak, Malaysia. With a population of 191,104 (2007)[citation needed], it is the second largest town in Perak after Ipoh, the state capital. It took over from Kuala Kangsar as the state capital from 1876 to 1937, but was then replaced by Ipoh[1]. Its development slowed down after that, but in recent years the town has begun developing rapidly again.
Taiping also receives some limelight as the wettest town in Peninsular Malaysia. The average annual rainfall is about 4,000mm in Taiping while the peninsula’s average is 2,000mm – 2,500mm. Its unusual rainfall has also blessed its Lake Gardens with a fertile and splendid collection of flora and century-old rain treesTaiping is a town in the state of Perak, Malaysia. With a population of 191,104 (2007)[citation needed], it is the second largest town in Perak after Ipoh, the state capital. It took over from Kuala Kangsar as the state capital from 1876 to 1937, but was then replaced by Ipoh[1]. Its development slowed down after that, but in recent years the town has begun developing rapidly again.
Budak baru belajar ni. Berkali betulkan formatting tak jalan gak. Help!!!! line spacing hancus.
ReplyDeletenormal... sometimes, bila masukkan pic, akan jadi huru-hara. better, play save ja, kak linda allign-kan suma pic, either semua dok tengah saja, or semua ke kiri saja or kanan saja, then masukkan pic, once dah tulis semua apa yang nak di tulis...
(sbb, sometimes, bila tulis after masukkan gambar, tulisan crita2 kita tu, akan di-underline-kan, as if kita ada link-kan dia ke other page plak.. :)
dah settle semua benda yang di tulis, baru insert pic, then dragkan saja those pic, or copy n paste saja masuk dlm blog... :)
kot nak extra tutorial, esuk kat opis i ajar yea? :P :P