Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Adam Syahmi,
Happy Birthday to you.
Yup my baby dah a year today. Sekejap je. If we sang birthday song to him he will make his malu-malu face as per pic below. A year today and he can walk already. With Ayah dia suka lawan berleter. With Mummy normally he is more mild mannered.
Yup my baby dah a year today. Sekejap je. If we sang birthday song to him he will make his malu-malu face as per pic below. A year today and he can walk already. With Ayah dia suka lawan berleter. With Mummy normally he is more mild mannered.

Hem, my baby dah one today. Big boy already. His 1st Birthday present was from my Bi's boss... Heheh jangan salah faham, we all dah beli prezzie for him but we want to keep them till party day. No gambar Adam and Ayah tgh belek his 1st Bday prezzie.
Bi and I kerja harini but we all dah bawa dia ke Aquaria semlm and will celebrate his Birthday with family and friends next Saturday. How's our visit to Aquaria? At first Adam was quite excited with all the fishes but then bila dia teringat his food and nap time hem muncung panjang sedepa. Boleh gantung hanger rasanya.
Lately Adam sleep makin lewat. Yesterday he's still his usual bubbly self at 11pm. Alamak Mummy dah sakit kepala. My normal time dalam 10pm dah mengantuk. Then I masuk tidur with Adam. Adam malam mengempeng (bahasa jawa kot ni. Comfort breastfeeding). Mummy dah takda milk at this stage coz of my pregnancy.
Last nite Adam buat hal. When we tried to coax him to sleep, dia try his new teeth (baru 2 je) and gigit Mummy. Bila I tak nak bagi, dia buat action as if nak tido but then once I bagi my breast, dia gigit dgn jayanya. He really tot that I was playing with him and gave me cheeky smile. 3rd or 4th attempt memang I dah tak boleh tahan. Lepas dia gigit terus masuk toilet menangis. Sakit ooo. Tak sampai hati nak cry in front of him. Ye lah budak belum setahun bukan faham pun. Bila Adam tengok Mummy takda dia menangis beriya baru realised that I was not joking and seriously hurt kot. I think he can sense it coz dia sedih betul masa I left our bed to comfort myself.
Buka pintu bilik Ayah tgh pujuk Adam but dia menangis beriya siap tears lagi. I kuatkan semangat juga try feed him again from the other side (which is dah sore sebab dia dah try his teeth the day before). This time maybe he knew that I am serious so dia suck proper and tak bite lagi. Tak sampai seminit rasanya dia terus tido. Maybe dia tunggu his Birthday (12.08am) but seriously I dah tak tahan. Nak kerja lagi harini sape sanggup berjaga?
1. I plan nak continue breastfeed Adam when I deliver my second baby. Any experience and suggestion? I tak sampai hati nak 'sapih' at this stage.
2. Collostrum keluar bila ek? If I let Adam continue with his comfort sucking will my 2nd baby get her share of collustrom? (hehehe I guna female reference coz during my last visit Dr kata maybe girl. Our next visit this coming Friday - 16th hopefully can be sure by then coz I like to communicate with my baby guna nama. Adam dulu dari dalam perut memang I panggil dia Adam.)
3. Eh anyone pernah baca ke yang soya will make your boy 'gay'? Betul ke? I check internet ada 1 study only that was done in 2006. Adam suka makan tauhu fa but now I takut dah nak bagi. Help!!!!
emmm.... linda, if bagi minum/makan soya will make a boy gay, my brothers would definitely be gay men. It could just be kebetulan je.
ReplyDeleteas for colostrum... I ingat masa I carried Adam dulu, I started leaking when I was about 5-6 months pregnant? Try this link: http://www.llli.org/FAQ/colostrum.html
No experience for extended breastfeeding. Sarah lasted only 1 month, and Adam 3 months because I burned my torso with steam then. However, aku ada gak kekawan yang extend b-feeding until their kids were 5-6 yrs old. hmmm.... I guess I would say let Adam decide when he wants to quit and until what age you're comfortable bfeeding your kids?