Anyway back to our outing, we took him out to Sunway Pyramid. Hem not really good choice considering the holiday since car park really full. Luckily Sunway's car park ni kira intelligent car park with green light on top of lot yang kosong. Mata tajam je cari green light. Rezeki Adam agaknya tak sampai setengah jam jumpa one (kira ok tu dari berjam cari tempat nk park). Tapi tau je la Adam, baru je sampai dah tarik muka coz kena naik stroller. Uwa dia dah heavy now. Tak larat nak carry. His Ayah selalu manjakan so dukung dia but then time Ayah lenguh and Mummy kena take over semput nafas gak. Especially now ni when baby dah makin heavy. Bawa 2 anak sekali. Oppps tak bagitau yet ek that I am now 18 weeks pregnant with our second. I really follow Malaysia Boleh punya motto... hehehhe....
Tak sampai sejam kat Sunway mulut Adam dah bising. His baby gibberish la but the part mam amam tu clear gilos... La dah lapar.. For you all punya info Adam mulut nak penuh selalu. Pantang lambat makan skit start le bad mood. Hilang all his smiles. So kena stop dulu cari fruits. Beli nectarines and cherries sambil Ayah tolak stroller Mummy fed him. Happy sekejap. Stop at toy shop to get some presents for Adam's second cousin and dia dah boring minta keluar stroller. Jalan macam king kong la dia kat kedai toy tu. (Adam dah start jalan. Dah about a month tapi jenis tak sabar so at times step tak stable.)
We end up tak lama pon kat Sunway Pyramid. Hem Adam dah sibuk nak makan again. This time 3 keping biskut tiger habis. Dapat le pacify his tummy sekejap. Sempat le I bekejar ke Jusco beli cranberry sauce and some roti. Keluar Jusco sempat take few photos of Adam and a few of us depan Chrismas deco kat Sunway. Sorry ah in both pictures below Adam serious gilos. Perut dah lapar tak boleh nak tegur.
Anyway nak tanya all mum out there:
1. Adam now 11 months but active sgt. He likes to climb our sofa and he can really do that without any help. Is it normal for a baby so small to be that active?
2. Adam can never sit still for more than 5 minutes unles he's eating or sleeping at that time. Should I be concern that he's hyper?
3. Adam eats a lot. I make sure he gets good food (vegie porridge with beef or chicken or fish) and few fruits serving a day. However he don't really like his milk. He took about 3 to 4 ounce per feed and about 5 to 6 feeds a day. Is that sufficient for him? I used to breastfeed him (but now since pregnant susu tak ada) and I was told that the 3 to 4 ounces per feed for breastmilk should be ok but considering that now he took formula milk should I be concerned with his milk intake?
K.Linda..ika low are my comments:
1 & 2: yes...biar active daripada kata mind dia cepat bertindak..tapi kena slalu perhatikan kalu dia jatuh n terantuk...stakat lebam pada ika ok lagik kot..tapi after that kena monitor kalu dia demam n muntah2..tuh kira tak ok...stakat nih anak ika kalu stakat lebam n benjol besar bola golf..dah biaser dahhh..
3. dah 11 months..apa kata try bagi nasik lenyek2 dgn ikan/beef/ayam n sayur..maybe dia mkn sthing keras skit dia akan kenyang lama...kalau minum susu skit tapi mkn byk..takper...just monitor his weight..ika tak ingat ideal weight for 11 months boy spatutnya braper kg..try surf..
Hahhhaa.. Adam makan bubur ikan or ayam or daging with sayur. hem penah bagi nasi minyak during wedding Laila hem esoknya kuar sebiji2 time dia poo poo... kesian la pulak tak hadam... hehehe.. but he really eat a lot la... sehari bibik akan masak bubur satu pot nasi and he will finish all with all the sayur and the other ingredients.
ReplyDeleteNo need to be concern about his milk intake, since he's already eating table food. Just make sure dia cukup fluid intake (air and the rest, too).
ReplyDeleteYes, a boy that small can climb on anything. My Adam climbed our piano when he was 10 months. Nak terpengsan aku. Sarah tak camni.
And, yes, it is normal for them to be that active. Takpe, Linda. Let him satisfy his curiosity. Kalu terhantuk... just monitor him for bad side effects.
BTW, crochetymom is my pen name. -Iba