Three posting letters within one and half years. Hem must be something wrong with me sampai asyik tukar Division or I am doing something right till I am in demand? Guess need to asked my bosses on that.
After my tough time in my previous Division (right after I delivered Adam if you all remember my earlier post), I got an offer to join Programme Management Office (PMO). My official transfer took effect 1st November 2008. The new scope of work is very project based and focused to a specific area for improvement. A real breather for me. My life was really hay wire before that but in the new Division, although structure wise I am reporting to one VP and function wise I have two bosses, my VP as well as my Workstream Leader, I still enjoyed my short tenure there. All of us worked smart so my working life returned to the normal 8.30am till 5.30pm. Latest by 7pm you can bet that I was already at TTDI enjoying my time with Adam. Based on the change in environment and its impact to my life, I truly believe that work environment do have big impact on you. Those who have ever taken Organisational Behaviour class, whatever they teach you is true.
In April 2009, I got another transfer letter. My Workstream in PMO has been officially closed in late March. I was assigned for another project but at the same time I was given another offer from another PMO office – HSBB PMO. Based on the potential exposure for me and better knowledge to be gained in th e HSBB PMO, my VP agreed to let me go. I moved to HSBB PMO in April. I have to admit that there are lots of thing to be learned in the new Division. Deadlines and commitment made for the project launch is key to our deliverables. Nevertheless, although the job is demanding and really challenging, again the working environment (leaders, colleague, time etc.) make me love my new job. I have two cool staff to assist me and I am still looking for my third assistant before I started my maternity leave.
All in all, my working life has improved for the better (I hope...) Pray to Allah my rezeki (my pay check to be exact) will improved as well. Three AGM positions in the last one and half years yet I am yet to receive AGM salary.. hahahah... Takpa la sure ada ganjaran nanti. Interview for promotion dah pi tinggal tunggu jawapan je. Doakan dapat. Amin.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I have not one but two gorgeous and intelligent kids.
I have one not so romantic (but improving) hubby who is definitely loving in his own way.
I have very supportive and caring parents.
I have lots of understanding and superb siblings, in laws, nephews and nieces.
I have loads of fun loving friends.
I have a career that I love.
I have so many other things that make me conclude…
I am truly blessed.
I have one not so romantic (but improving) hubby who is definitely loving in his own way.
I have very supportive and caring parents.
I have lots of understanding and superb siblings, in laws, nephews and nieces.
I have loads of fun loving friends.
I have a career that I love.
I have so many other things that make me conclude…
I am truly blessed.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Adam's Bday Party - Adam's Story
Tok Papa and Tok Mama came to KL on the 16th nak fetch my Mummy In's domestic helper. So since they will drop by to visit me, Mummy and Ayah decided to have a Bday Party for me. I am a stay-at-home baby so Mummy and Ayah tot this will be good time for me to socialise. (as if I am not friendly enough)
Mummy took a day leave on the 16th Jan (eh Mummy said sorry coz seriously dah lama dia tak update about work. Baru satu je rasanya. Next post will be about office life.) Preparation day. As soon as Ayah off to office, Mummy, Bibik and me naik kereta and off to Pasar TTDI. Ingatkan Friday tak ramai orang but the market is quite full that day. All the stall owners yang Mummy biasa pergi heran why Mummy shop on Friday and extra banyak pulak tu? Hehehe because of me Mummy sanggup amik cuti.
On our way back from pasar, Mummy singgah Baiti's for breakfast. Hem sure Mummy tahu kalau balik sure tak makan ni. Kesian nanti Bibik lapar plak.
Hheehh as usual although sejam lebih skit je kat pasar but my tummy dah lapar macam setahun tak makan. Balik rumah dah 11 lebih skit. Mummy shower, Bibik feed me and kemas barang dapur. Hem Mummy's boy memang tak pandai tidur lama. 12 plus je Adam dah bangun. Again my tummy minta makan. Siap je Adam makan, Mummy told Bibik tak payah masak or kemas rumah, jom pi Tesco sambung beli barang for Party.
From 1 till 3 plus we shopped at Tesco. Nuggets, drummets, cordials, mineral water etc. Mummy ni macam nak beli satu pasar. Nak balik Mummy singgah Chicken Rice Shop beli lunch for Mummy and Bibik. Nak makan dah tak sempat coz my tummy dah hungry. Mummy and Bibik said that my muncung dah sedepa. Besides, Ayah dah call nak ambil pi Gynea appointment. Macam race juga la Mummy. Dalam kereta Adam dah livid. Saja je throw tantrum and mengamuk pasal dah lapar. Teruk la Mummy and Bibik ni. Kenapa tak bawa food lebih? Tapi baru je 2 jam lebih dah lapar again padahal baru je Bibik bagi makan bubur nasi before we left for Tesco. heheheh
Sampai je rumah Mummy suruh Bibik and Adam naik dulu. Bibik sampai pening mana pintu rumah coz Adam tak boleh diam dah. Kesian Mummy bawa barang dalam 2 trolley tolak sorang je. Masa Mummy sampai Adam tengah susu. Bibik dah bagi makan pun. Cepatkan sebab rasanya paling lama pon kalau tak silap baru 15 minutes Mummy turunkan kat lobby. Adam senyum manis kat Mummy. Hopefully Mummy tak ingat tadi Adam marah2.
Mummy terus ganti skirt and off we go to Klinik Dr Hamid with Ayah. Tadi Adam mengantuk but nampak Ayah terus segar. But then kena berlakon dulu la. So Adam duduk atas lap Ayah konon2 Adam nak tido. Jadi Ayah kesian nak pass Adam kat Mummy. Sampai klinik malas dah nak berlakon. Adam tegur and senyum kat semua orang. Dah tak mengantuk dah. Perut pon dah kenyang.
Time Mummy jumpa Dato' Dr Hamid, Adam dah memang 100% alert. Adam minta Dr dukung. Ohh ni la Dr yang dulu sambut Adam keluar dari perut Mummy. Jadi Adam terus senyum sana senyum sini biar Dr kata Adam good baby. Bila Mummy buat ultrasound, Adam nampak Adik and Adam lambai baby. Tapi baby buat dek je. Boring la. Ayah and Mummy plak requested for the Dr to confirm the gender. Lamanya Dr cari pasal Adik tak mau diam. Tengah Dr pusing nak cari position Adam dah restless. Hem Ayah kena bawa Adam keluar la gamaknya. Then Dr confirm, adik Adam will be a girl. Hem Mummy terus decided nak namakan and call the baby Iris. :) Hahah Ayah nak nama Melayu tapi Mummy kata takpa la 2nd name still ada kan? Nanti dah nak bersalin baru fikir. Mummy kata Adam dulu pun macam tu. Tau je boy, Mummy terus borak and panggil Adam masa dalam perut. Dah nak bersalin baru Ayah pilih nama Syahmi.
Malam tu Tok Mama and Tok Papa sampai with Bibik Wiwik and Nek Moi. Bestnya rumah Adam ramai orang. Adam tak mahu tidur but Mummy suruh tidur jugak. Takpa biar Adam menangis dulu. Biar semua orang tahu Adam kena paksa. Tapi Adam dah sleepy la.... Zzzzzzzz
17th morning lepas breakfast, Mummy and Tok Papa keluar ambil trolley and goodies bags from office. Mummy cakap jangan naughty sebab Mummy nak singgah TMC beli ice and few other barang. Tapi Adam mengantuk so Adam tidur je time Mummy and Tok Papa keluar. Mummy sempat pi Party Shop cari pump baloon. Bibik pulak dari pagi dah start memasak for lunch and soto.
Almost 1, Mummy turun. Mummy kata meja dah sampai. Ayah pun turun ke pool siapkan sound system. Kang senyap boring plak. Tapi Adam duduk rumah dengan Tok Mama and Tok Papa.
4 pm semua orang still menyiapkan last minute prep. Masa Aunty Mar and Aunty Farah sampai hehehe Mummy still tak abis siap lagi. 4.30pm belum ramai orang. Ayah Uda Adam and family dah arrived. Alamak kesiannya takda orang ke ek? Tapi Alhamdulillah lepas tu ramai tetamu Adam. Adam pon happy la tengok ramai yang ada. Socialising time!!! Mummy bawa Adam jumpa kawan-kawan Mummy. Adam ada ramai kawan. Adam jalan-jalan kat party tapi Mummy, Ayah, Tok Mama and Tok Papa and semua orang asyik perhati Adam je. Nak pergi pool pun susah. :(

Adam pun main in the pool with friends. Adam ada pelampung car yang sangat besar. Mummy Jej belikan dulu time pi Famosa. Masa tu Adam tak sihat so cannot swim. Uncle Syed tolong tiupkan the pelampung. Adam enjoy main air dalam pool but bila Adam try nak rasa air pool (Adam tepuk air and jilat) semua orang cakap "out you go" kat Adam. Kenapa ek?

Adam had a wonderful Birthday Party. Sedih when all friends dah balik. Tak apa nanti CNY Mummy kata Adam balik BP. Uncle Mal pun plan nak buat BBQ. Jadi Adam can play with Abang Asyraf and Kak Icha la time tu.
Malam Adam penat sangat. Adam buka dulu all prezzie. Banyaknya prezzie Adam. Lepas tu Mummy tidurkan Adam, Ayah peluk Adam sambil baca paper. Nite all... Zzzzzzz

Mummy took a day leave on the 16th Jan (eh Mummy said sorry coz seriously dah lama dia tak update about work. Baru satu je rasanya. Next post will be about office life.) Preparation day. As soon as Ayah off to office, Mummy, Bibik and me naik kereta and off to Pasar TTDI. Ingatkan Friday tak ramai orang but the market is quite full that day. All the stall owners yang Mummy biasa pergi heran why Mummy shop on Friday and extra banyak pulak tu? Hehehe because of me Mummy sanggup amik cuti.
On our way back from pasar, Mummy singgah Baiti's for breakfast. Hem sure Mummy tahu kalau balik sure tak makan ni. Kesian nanti Bibik lapar plak.
Hheehh as usual although sejam lebih skit je kat pasar but my tummy dah lapar macam setahun tak makan. Balik rumah dah 11 lebih skit. Mummy shower, Bibik feed me and kemas barang dapur. Hem Mummy's boy memang tak pandai tidur lama. 12 plus je Adam dah bangun. Again my tummy minta makan. Siap je Adam makan, Mummy told Bibik tak payah masak or kemas rumah, jom pi Tesco sambung beli barang for Party.
From 1 till 3 plus we shopped at Tesco. Nuggets, drummets, cordials, mineral water etc. Mummy ni macam nak beli satu pasar. Nak balik Mummy singgah Chicken Rice Shop beli lunch for Mummy and Bibik. Nak makan dah tak sempat coz my tummy dah hungry. Mummy and Bibik said that my muncung dah sedepa. Besides, Ayah dah call nak ambil pi Gynea appointment. Macam race juga la Mummy. Dalam kereta Adam dah livid. Saja je throw tantrum and mengamuk pasal dah lapar. Teruk la Mummy and Bibik ni. Kenapa tak bawa food lebih? Tapi baru je 2 jam lebih dah lapar again padahal baru je Bibik bagi makan bubur nasi before we left for Tesco. heheheh
Sampai je rumah Mummy suruh Bibik and Adam naik dulu. Bibik sampai pening mana pintu rumah coz Adam tak boleh diam dah. Kesian Mummy bawa barang dalam 2 trolley tolak sorang je. Masa Mummy sampai Adam tengah susu. Bibik dah bagi makan pun. Cepatkan sebab rasanya paling lama pon kalau tak silap baru 15 minutes Mummy turunkan kat lobby. Adam senyum manis kat Mummy. Hopefully Mummy tak ingat tadi Adam marah2.
Mummy terus ganti skirt and off we go to Klinik Dr Hamid with Ayah. Tadi Adam mengantuk but nampak Ayah terus segar. But then kena berlakon dulu la. So Adam duduk atas lap Ayah konon2 Adam nak tido. Jadi Ayah kesian nak pass Adam kat Mummy. Sampai klinik malas dah nak berlakon. Adam tegur and senyum kat semua orang. Dah tak mengantuk dah. Perut pon dah kenyang.
Time Mummy jumpa Dato' Dr Hamid, Adam dah memang 100% alert. Adam minta Dr dukung. Ohh ni la Dr yang dulu sambut Adam keluar dari perut Mummy. Jadi Adam terus senyum sana senyum sini biar Dr kata Adam good baby. Bila Mummy buat ultrasound, Adam nampak Adik and Adam lambai baby. Tapi baby buat dek je. Boring la. Ayah and Mummy plak requested for the Dr to confirm the gender. Lamanya Dr cari pasal Adik tak mau diam. Tengah Dr pusing nak cari position Adam dah restless. Hem Ayah kena bawa Adam keluar la gamaknya. Then Dr confirm, adik Adam will be a girl. Hem Mummy terus decided nak namakan and call the baby Iris. :) Hahah Ayah nak nama Melayu tapi Mummy kata takpa la 2nd name still ada kan? Nanti dah nak bersalin baru fikir. Mummy kata Adam dulu pun macam tu. Tau je boy, Mummy terus borak and panggil Adam masa dalam perut. Dah nak bersalin baru Ayah pilih nama Syahmi.
Malam tu Tok Mama and Tok Papa sampai with Bibik Wiwik and Nek Moi. Bestnya rumah Adam ramai orang. Adam tak mahu tidur but Mummy suruh tidur jugak. Takpa biar Adam menangis dulu. Biar semua orang tahu Adam kena paksa. Tapi Adam dah sleepy la.... Zzzzzzzz
17th morning lepas breakfast, Mummy and Tok Papa keluar ambil trolley and goodies bags from office. Mummy cakap jangan naughty sebab Mummy nak singgah TMC beli ice and few other barang. Tapi Adam mengantuk so Adam tidur je time Mummy and Tok Papa keluar. Mummy sempat pi Party Shop cari pump baloon. Bibik pulak dari pagi dah start memasak for lunch and soto.
Almost 1, Mummy turun. Mummy kata meja dah sampai. Ayah pun turun ke pool siapkan sound system. Kang senyap boring plak. Tapi Adam duduk rumah dengan Tok Mama and Tok Papa.
4 pm semua orang still menyiapkan last minute prep. Masa Aunty Mar and Aunty Farah sampai hehehe Mummy still tak abis siap lagi. 4.30pm belum ramai orang. Ayah Uda Adam and family dah arrived. Alamak kesiannya takda orang ke ek? Tapi Alhamdulillah lepas tu ramai tetamu Adam. Adam pon happy la tengok ramai yang ada. Socialising time!!! Mummy bawa Adam jumpa kawan-kawan Mummy. Adam ada ramai kawan. Adam jalan-jalan kat party tapi Mummy, Ayah, Tok Mama and Tok Papa and semua orang asyik perhati Adam je. Nak pergi pool pun susah. :(

Mummy Jej belikan Adam cake besar. Bentuk Car. Cantik. Tapi Ayah dengan Mummy suruh Adam potong the cake. Sayangnya. Mummy kan dah belikan cuppies nape nak potong cake?
Mummy Jej ada plan games. Kak Izzati pun dah siap wrapkan all the present tapi since kawan2 Adam dah masuk pool so tak main games but Mummy bagi the presents to all yang dah nak balik.
Adam pun main in the pool with friends. Adam ada pelampung car yang sangat besar. Mummy Jej belikan dulu time pi Famosa. Masa tu Adam tak sihat so cannot swim. Uncle Syed tolong tiupkan the pelampung. Adam enjoy main air dalam pool but bila Adam try nak rasa air pool (Adam tepuk air and jilat) semua orang cakap "out you go" kat Adam. Kenapa ek?
Adam had a wonderful Birthday Party. Sedih when all friends dah balik. Tak apa nanti CNY Mummy kata Adam balik BP. Uncle Mal pun plan nak buat BBQ. Jadi Adam can play with Abang Asyraf and Kak Icha la time tu.
Malam Adam penat sangat. Adam buka dulu all prezzie. Banyaknya prezzie Adam. Lepas tu Mummy tidurkan Adam, Ayah peluk Adam sambil baca paper. Nite all... Zzzzzzz
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Adam - 1st Bday
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Adam Syahmi,
Happy Birthday to you.
Yup my baby dah a year today. Sekejap je. If we sang birthday song to him he will make his malu-malu face as per pic below. A year today and he can walk already. With Ayah dia suka lawan berleter. With Mummy normally he is more mild mannered.
Yup my baby dah a year today. Sekejap je. If we sang birthday song to him he will make his malu-malu face as per pic below. A year today and he can walk already. With Ayah dia suka lawan berleter. With Mummy normally he is more mild mannered.

Hem, my baby dah one today. Big boy already. His 1st Birthday present was from my Bi's boss... Heheh jangan salah faham, we all dah beli prezzie for him but we want to keep them till party day. No gambar Adam and Ayah tgh belek his 1st Bday prezzie.
Bi and I kerja harini but we all dah bawa dia ke Aquaria semlm and will celebrate his Birthday with family and friends next Saturday. How's our visit to Aquaria? At first Adam was quite excited with all the fishes but then bila dia teringat his food and nap time hem muncung panjang sedepa. Boleh gantung hanger rasanya.
Lately Adam sleep makin lewat. Yesterday he's still his usual bubbly self at 11pm. Alamak Mummy dah sakit kepala. My normal time dalam 10pm dah mengantuk. Then I masuk tidur with Adam. Adam malam mengempeng (bahasa jawa kot ni. Comfort breastfeeding). Mummy dah takda milk at this stage coz of my pregnancy.
Last nite Adam buat hal. When we tried to coax him to sleep, dia try his new teeth (baru 2 je) and gigit Mummy. Bila I tak nak bagi, dia buat action as if nak tido but then once I bagi my breast, dia gigit dgn jayanya. He really tot that I was playing with him and gave me cheeky smile. 3rd or 4th attempt memang I dah tak boleh tahan. Lepas dia gigit terus masuk toilet menangis. Sakit ooo. Tak sampai hati nak cry in front of him. Ye lah budak belum setahun bukan faham pun. Bila Adam tengok Mummy takda dia menangis beriya baru realised that I was not joking and seriously hurt kot. I think he can sense it coz dia sedih betul masa I left our bed to comfort myself.
Buka pintu bilik Ayah tgh pujuk Adam but dia menangis beriya siap tears lagi. I kuatkan semangat juga try feed him again from the other side (which is dah sore sebab dia dah try his teeth the day before). This time maybe he knew that I am serious so dia suck proper and tak bite lagi. Tak sampai seminit rasanya dia terus tido. Maybe dia tunggu his Birthday (12.08am) but seriously I dah tak tahan. Nak kerja lagi harini sape sanggup berjaga?
1. I plan nak continue breastfeed Adam when I deliver my second baby. Any experience and suggestion? I tak sampai hati nak 'sapih' at this stage.
2. Collostrum keluar bila ek? If I let Adam continue with his comfort sucking will my 2nd baby get her share of collustrom? (hehehe I guna female reference coz during my last visit Dr kata maybe girl. Our next visit this coming Friday - 16th hopefully can be sure by then coz I like to communicate with my baby guna nama. Adam dulu dari dalam perut memang I panggil dia Adam.)
3. Eh anyone pernah baca ke yang soya will make your boy 'gay'? Betul ke? I check internet ada 1 study only that was done in 2006. Adam suka makan tauhu fa but now I takut dah nak bagi. Help!!!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Sambungan Cuti-cuti Malaysia
Ok... Cerita tergantung baru nak sambung.
30th December
Hem have I told you that Adam ni aircond baby? Well he is one. Seriously he loves to be in cold room. At night, he will only sleep if the room is well airconditioned. 18 degrees tu our night temperature. Mummy and Ayah dah berselubung dalan duvet and yet Adam will kicks away all his selimut. If I tried to be a good mum and cover him well, I will not get good night sleep coz he will merengek all the time.
Unfortunately, last nite since we had to share our room with Mak, Bak and Bibik as well, semua org tak dapat tidur nyenyak coz too cold when Adam sleeps so peacefully throughout the night. When I tried to change the temperature and make the room warmer, he will automatically garu his kepala... protest tu.. sigh...
That morning we woke up to fresh air of Taiping albeit our lack of sleep la since I plak kena diarrhea. Another reason la semua org tak boleh tido coz every hour I bangun ke toilet.
Uncle Mal, Aunty Fiza, Abang Asyraf and Kak Icha semangat pi morning walk but the rest of us.. hehehe.... Adam sibuk isi perut dulu while the rest of us nak lepak je kurangkan penat.
After Adam had his ciput morning feed (4 keping Farley's) baru le we all went out for breakfast. Adam sibuk tengok kanan kiri cari monkey but dunno why maybe monkeys ada conference kot coz sekor pon tarak.
Habis breakfast, pool time! Excited first time Adam nak masuk pool but my baby dah sleepy lah pulak. But since he's hungry coz tak dapat his bubur yet (perut melayu), I am sure he can wait about 30 mins more. Bubur dah order from the lodge kitchen the night before so tak worry. Next time, Tok Mama suruh beli small rice cooker and bawa pi travelling since Adam ni jenis nak nasi. Good idea gak. Nape tak fikir ek?
So ni few pictures during Adam's first dip in swimming pool. Hehhhehe stress dia coz he loves hot bath and menggigil kena air sejuk.
Lepas mandi apa lagi, minum susu terus tidur la....
Morning plan - visit zoo. Since the day before Adam kenal monkey, I tot it will be fun to take him to the zoo. After Adam bangun (30 minutes je tido takat buang kelat mata), terus ke zoo Taiping. At first Adam duduk dengan Mummy and Bibik but halfway through dah tak tahan nak sgt ikut Tok Papa. Once dengan Tok Papa baru dia happy and noticed all the animals. His favourite site - Africa Savannah. Ishk menjerit sakan coz he saw Giraffe, Zebra, Elephant etc.. all the animals in his book. Normally Ayah baca buku je but now when dia nampak real life and bergerak, riuh la mulut dia. Macam dia sorang je yang nampak the animals.
Along the way as usual we had to stop coz Adam's meal time. (Ishk terasa mcm buku Betty Neels je asyik2 cerita pasal food).
We had fun at the zoo. Now that I know Adam dah kenal binatang my next goal, nak pujuk Ayah bawa Adam to Aquaria. :)
We checked out from the hotel at 3pm and off to Penang. Masuk je highway I dah gone case. Adam awal2 lagi dah terlentuk atas pangku Tok Mama. Sampai jambatan Penang baru le bangun. Timing bagus sgt.
The rest of the day we spend dengan berehat. Malam sempat gak tengok cerita drama Ku Milikmu with my mom and Fiza since everyone dah tido.
31st December
Hem project for the day:
1. beli jeruk
2. nak makan char kuey teow (CKT)
3. beli dvd
Kemal and family, bak and I went out pagi tu.
Destination 1: Kedai jeruk
Bukan beli banyak pon saja buat syarat. Macam tak lengkap if ke Penang tak beli jeruk.
tips beli jeruk:
cari yang guna gula pasir. Lagi selamat. Gula batu or gula Thailand tu tak elok sgt.
Destination 2: Bukit Jambul
Uwa murah gilos DVD kat sini. a week before I bought DVD at TTDI. Sekeping RM9 but here sekeping RM5 je. Berlambak le I beli. Sambil tunggu DVD ready, Kemal and Fiza beli air with black pearl. Hem I know kat BP memang ada air ni but kat KL I seriously jarang beli. Kemal beli flavour honey dew. Sedap gilos.... Hem... kena cari in KL.
Survey as well kedai jual DVD Korea. By way DVD Korea cheap gak kat sini. Nanti nak kirim Fiza and Kemal for confinement but dah out of touch cerita apa best. Any recommendation?
tips beli DVD: cari DVD 9. Better quality and takda la gambar orang keluar masuk pangguk or orang gelak. (annoying)
Destination 3: Kedai Char Kuey Teow (CKT)
CKT kalau you all tahu the type yang basah tu. With the egg masuk last sekali so the wetness tu egg sebenarnya. Ishk dulu ni favourite meal masa tinggal at Vista Angkasa. Time tu balik keje singgah dulu beli Azamuddin Char Kuey Teow. Time dok Pantai Hill pun still sanggup berenti beli. Yummy. Berpusing gak cari kedai best. Kemal found one from his friend. Serious best la CKT dia. Kena makan panas or else akan muak due to the half cooked egg la. Ada niat nak ambil gambar and show the readers rupa CKT ni but the terlupa abis. Nampak makanan apa lagi terus ngap le.
tips makan CKT: makan masa panas la or else muak gilos.
Malam Kemal beli tandoori chicken and garlic nan for dinner. From his livingroom boleh dengar and nampak few groups tengah party waiting for New Year. Music can be heard. Tengah makan tu Bibik bawa Adam minum susu outside. Dunno why tetiba dengar Adam menjerit. When we went outside Adam tengah menangis. Sampai meleleh air mata. Terus dia minta I dukung. Tok Papa nak ambil pon dia tak mau. Cuak sat. According to Bibik, Adam dah tidur but then dia tetiba bangun and menjerit sambil tengok belakang Bibik. Hem kesian. Ntah apa agaknya dia nampak. After dipujuk, Tok Papa amik and bacakan ayat kursi. Lepas tu Adam ok dah.
Few hours before New Year, sedih sangat coz for the past few years, this is the first time tak celebrate NY with Bi. Hem cuak gak mana mamat ni pi in KL? Tetiba my sms bunyi. La kesiannya kereta my hubby rosak tepi highway LDP. Kesian dia. Dah le kena keluar cari food coz his wife pi holiday, now kereta pulak break down. Nasib baik ada Abang Mie (my bro-in-law) from Klang tolong.
Midnight dapat sms from Bi lagi wishing me Happy New Year and telling us (Adam and I) that the fireworks from OU can be seen from our living from. Kesian Bi sesorang je kat KL. Kejam ke I ek?
1st January 2009
Pagi2 lagi we all dah siap nak balik KL. Takut jam. Adam dah siap pakai his favourite baju Thomas. Sempat tu baca buku dengan Kak Icha. Siap ada masa gak try botol susu Kak Icha.
Mak and Bak bersemangat. "Orang duduk belakang kena pakai seat belt. Undang2 baru kuatkuasa 1st Jan, takut kena saman".
So to those oversea, yup now in Malaysia beginning this year, it is compulsory for all back seat passengers to pakai tali pinggang keledar.
KL here we come...
Saturday, January 3, 2009
I took 2 days leave on 30th and 31st Dec. Just need to rejuvenate and be prepared for New Year. So what did we do?
Almost nak sampai exit Taiping tu ada accident. Tak teruk pun just case minor. As usual Malaysian will slow down their cars when they saw accident cases but bukan nak tolong takat nak tengok je. Hem jam panjang but lepas area kereta bercium tu
terus clear. So agak petang jugak la we arrived at Kamalodge, Bukit Larut. Adam sampai je terus cari bubur nasi la.Picture attached ni his photo and bibik while the other one is the view from our chalet. Best gak tempat ni pasal kat kaki Bukit Larut.
28th December
Got an invite from my cuz, Adha from Bandar Tun Hussein Onn. His 2 sons celebrated their birthday on the 25th (Ayiesh - 1st) and 28th (Ammar - 3rd). The party started at 4.30pm but as usual Adam tido bila dah petang. So we had to wait till our Prince woke up at 4.30pm. Hem tak boleh keluar rumah yet coz 'tuan besar' need to feed his tummy and mandi dulu. Aiyaaa Adam kalau makan memang take his own sweet time. Almost 5.30pm baru la we all gerak. Sampai sana cake semua dah potong so tak sempat la nak take any pictures of Adam with Ayiesh. And tak sempat juga nak tunjuk Adam how people celebrated their birthdays. Lately ni Bibik dah prepare Adam nak celebrate birthday. Once he listened to anyone singing 'Happy Birthday' he will clap his hands and buat2 muka malu dia.. perasan la anak Mummy ni.
Anyway ni ada gambar Adam and Ayiesh masa cukur jambul depa in June lalu. Buat together at Tok Mama and Tok Papa's house kat BP. (My parents la ni) Rambut Adam yang kembang setaman and lebat ni memang his hair since birth. Mummy lupa siapkan baju melayu so kena la anak Mummy guna baju Falling for You time potong jambut. Sorry Adam.
29th December (Maal Hijrah)
My parents and my family received an invitation from our family friend Muhammad to his wedding reception at Teluk Intan. Majlis sambut menantu. Yusri (my hubby aiya kekadang I guna panggilan Bi or Ayah) decided not to tag along. As usual 'not his cup of tea'. Dah terlanjur ke Teluk Intan my parents and I decided to merayap till Penang to visit my younger brother (Kemal@Abang) and family. This is why I took the 2 days leave. Cuti-cuti Malaysia. Abang booked 2 rooms at Taiping. Saja la dia and Fiza (his wife) nak go down the memory lane ingat cite zaman they all sekolah kat MRSM Taiping la kot. We all ok je. Best gak singgah Taiping.
Back to the wedding. My parents fetch Adam, Bibik and I from TTDI at about 11am. Hem as usual barang Adam je dah penuh satu kereta. Pening ni baru anak sorang. He has his own bag for clothes, his bakul for all his food, his backpack for all his day supplies (change of clites, nappies, wipes, toiletries etc.), his fav rocker, his bag of toys and books, a half bag of super jumbo mamy poko nappies etc. Nasib baik la muat kereta Tok Mama and Tok Papa. The adults bawa beg sorang satu je.
We arrived at the wedding reception at the same time the pengantin arrived at the hall. Heehhhehee.. Sampai we all terus makan. Jadi macam Adam la. Member dah mcm ulat in the car coz dah lapar. Nice juga concept the wedding. The half front of the dewan was blocked and reserved for the 'protocol' wedding reception (ie. with fixed agenda mcm kat hotel tu). The other half of the dewan was meant for kampung style malay wedding whereby tetamu datang, makan, jumpa family pengantin then balik. Have to admit that we were supposed to join the first half but since we were late we all dok diam-diam je kat belakang. Lagipun dah lapar so terus la ngap. Wedding tu sedia nasi hujan panas. First time I tengok. Serious tak penah jumpa kat Johor or KL. Lepas makan since Abang and family dah called from Taiping, we left the wedding. Tak sempat jumpa pengantin pun but sempat la jumpa Mak Pengantin.
Round jap kat bandar Telur Intan. Hem amazed gak tgk leaning tower of Teluk Intan but tak sempat amik gambar la. So I bagi link. Pi la tgk sendiri. Memang menarik the tower. Nampak sgt antik.

Alamak dah 9pm la... Kena mandi. Adam nak tido dah sat lagi. Kalau dah tido and Mummy tak peluk he will bangun again. So to be continued with our story on the 30th and 31st esok kot. Ciao for now.
Segment ilmu Cuti-cuti Malaysia
Teluk Intan
Teluk Intan is a town located in the state of Perak in Malaysia. It is the largest town in Hilir Perak district and third largest town in the state of Perak with an estimated population of around 110,000.
In the early days, the town was known as Teluk Mak Intan, after a female Mandailing trader. It was here that the Perak rulers held court from 1528 until Kuala Kangsar became the royal town in 1877 [1].
During the British protectorate era, the named was changed to Teluk Anson (Anson Bay), in honour of a British Officer and last Lieutenant-Governor of Penang, Major-General Sir Archibald Edward Harbord Anson who drew the plan of the modern township in 1882.
In 1982 during the centenary of the town's establishment, the name was changed again to Teluk Intan (Diamond Bay) by the Sultan of Perak. The town has a number of colonial buildings and Chinese shophouses together with modern buildings and a few shopping complexes.
Widely known as the Pearl of the Orient, Penang is one of Asia's most famous islands. Its
natural beauty and exotic heritage have been attracting curious visitors for centuries.
Travel guides have referred to it as " . . . a place of mysterious temples and palm-shrouded beaches", while literary giant Somerset Maugham is known to have stayed on the island and spun tales about the romance of the white planter in South-East Asia. Widely known as the Pearl of the Orient, Penang is one of Asia's most famous islands. Its natural beauty and exotic heritage have been attracting curious visitors for centuries.
Penang or its Malay name of Pulau Pinang is made up of a turtle-shaped island, a total of 292 square kilometers, and a strip of land called Seberang Prai on Peninsular Malaysia about 48 kilometers wide.
Since 1985, the island has been joined to the mainland by the Penang Bridge, one of the longest bridges in the world. Alternatively, travellers arriving from the mainland can hop onto the ferry and take a 20-minute ride across. There are also international flights that connect directly to the international airport on the island. Penang or its Malay name of Pulau Pinang is made up of a turtle-shaped island, a total of 292 square kilometers, and a strip of land called Seberang Prai on Peninsular Malaysia about 48 kilometers wide.
Taiping is a town in the state of Perak, Malaysia. With a population of 191,104 (2007)[citation needed], it is the second largest town in Perak after Ipoh, the state capital. It took over from Kuala Kangsar as the state capital from 1876 to 1937, but was then replaced by Ipoh[1]. Its development slowed down after that, but in recent years the town has begun developing rapidly again.
Taiping also receives some limelight as the wettest town in Peninsular Malaysia. The average annual rainfall is about 4,000mm in Taiping while the peninsula’s average is 2,000mm – 2,500mm. Its unusual rainfall has also blessed its Lake Gardens with a fertile and splendid collection of flora and century-old rain treesTaiping is a town in the state of Perak, Malaysia. With a population of 191,104 (2007)[citation needed], it is the second largest town in Perak after Ipoh, the state capital. It took over from Kuala Kangsar as the state capital from 1876 to 1937, but was then replaced by Ipoh[1]. Its development slowed down after that, but in recent years the town has begun developing rapidly again.
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