Once awake, I spent 20 minutes to whipped up my caramel pudding while my kids were being fed. Promised to bring something to my Shoppers Tegar birthday bash for Merl and Ramona. Usaha gigih, must buat juga. Seriously, I tak rasa the pudding. Have to ask my Tegar friends. Tak sempat amik picture pon. :)
Around 9am my Bibik went off to pasar. Hem cuak gak ada tak BERSIH kat area pasar TTDI. If Bibik kena cekup ke apa, naye. Siapa nak jaga my kids? Anyway, I managed to spend quality time with my babies - handsome boy Adam Syahmi, pretty girl Alya Firzanah and cute baby Azim Danish (7 kg you all).

Me and Azim Danish... Anak Mummy yang tembam...
Bibik balik from pasar and cook for the kids. Yup menu dah determined by Adam and Alya. Lala, the shellfish and not my 2nd sister ye, tumis with sos tiram and daun coriander plus sup ketam. Hubby tahu sure bising coz asyik makan macam restaurant food je ni. Takpa la we are not the type yang eat out so why not prepare good food for the kids right?
I took that opportunity to mandi and bersiap. Once the kids are asleep for their afternoon nap, I pon keluar. Oh no. Lift mati la plak... Huhhhuuu....
To cut things short, managed to reach KJ around 1pm. Perut lapar giler. In the car keep on terbayang Ramona's spaghetti carbonara and Kak Letty's laksa pulas.... Sorry shoppers if I seemed like orang kebulur time tu.. memang lapar giler... GREAT FOOD. VERY DELICIOUS LAKSA, CAKES and PAVLOVA. Best of all GREAT COMPANY. Worth every calories yang masuk badan... hihhiii...
Me at the best place in the house... hehhe depan food in the kitchen fully prepared by Chef Letty... This one if tak silap the 5th place I duduk makan. Nasib baik dah kahwin or else kahwin 5 kali? hehehhe
I dedicate this entry to Merl and Ramona...
Happy Belated Birthday ladies...
May Allah bless you always...
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