Monday, June 13, 2011

Layan anak-anak

My Adam is now of the age yang tengah giler Transformer and Ultraman. We took him and my pretty Alya to the Curve two weeks ago coz ada promotion on Transformer's merchandise.

I was the one yang beriya suruh hubby bawa the kids to the Curve. Sampai sana Adam dah sibuk nak beli Bumblebee and Optimus Prime (abis dia promote to Tok Mama and Tok Papa of his intent. Oh ye that is the day we came back from BP. Punya semangat, noon sampai KL terus kerah hubby bawa pi the Curve). Well of course banyak Bumblebee and Optimus Prime but harga? Ya Allah, mahalnya coz Adam nak yang big one. He even dah usung one Bumblebee priced at RM200+. My hubby try pujuk beli yang priced at RM50+ but he insisted on buying the big one je. End up, Mr Hubby told him since Mummy is the one yang nak bawa Adam, suruh la Mummy bayar. Sabar je.

Mummy bukan kedekut ye but then beli macam tak berbaloi coz he is too young to appreciate that expensive item (ye la my iPad2 dah abis sompek after 3 days of purchase coz dia dah jatuhkan berkali. From tangga lagi tu). On the spot idea, "Adam nak Transformer ke you want baju Ultraman?". Guess mana superhero yang menang?

Huhhuuhhh Ultraman. Selamat duit I. End up belikan dia a pair of baju Ultraman priced at RM15 je.

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