Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sambungan Cuti-cuti Malaysia

Ok... Cerita tergantung baru nak sambung.

30th December

Hem have I told you that Adam ni aircond baby? Well he is one. Seriously he loves to be in cold room. At night, he will only sleep if the room is well airconditioned. 18 degrees tu our night temperature. Mummy and Ayah dah berselubung dalan duvet and yet Adam will kicks away all his selimut. If I tried to be a good mum and cover him well, I will not get good night sleep coz he will merengek all the time.

Unfortunately, last nite since we had to share our room with Mak, Bak and Bibik as well, semua org tak dapat tidur nyenyak coz too cold when Adam sleeps so peacefully throughout the night. When I tried to change the temperature and make the room warmer, he will automatically garu his kepala... protest tu.. sigh...

That morning we woke up to fresh air of Taiping albeit our lack of sleep la since I plak kena diarrhea. Another reason la semua org tak boleh tido coz every hour I bangun ke toilet.

Uncle Mal, Aunty Fiza, Abang Asyraf and Kak Icha semangat pi morning walk but the rest of us.. hehehe.... Adam sibuk isi perut dulu while the rest of us nak lepak je kurangkan penat.

After Adam had his ciput morning feed (4 keping Farley's) baru le we all went out for breakfast. Adam sibuk tengok kanan kiri cari monkey but dunno why maybe monkeys ada conference kot coz sekor pon tarak.

Habis breakfast, pool time! Excited first time Adam nak masuk pool but my baby dah sleepy lah pulak. But since he's hungry coz tak dapat his bubur yet (perut melayu), I am sure he can wait about 30 mins more. Bubur dah order from the lodge kitchen the night before so tak worry. Next time, Tok Mama suruh beli small rice cooker and bawa pi travelling since Adam ni jenis nak nasi. Good idea gak. Nape tak fikir ek?

So ni few pictures during Adam's first dip in swimming pool. Hehhhehe stress dia coz he loves hot bath and menggigil kena air sejuk.

Lepas mandi apa lagi, minum susu terus tidur la....

Morning plan - visit zoo. Since the day before Adam kenal monkey, I tot it will be fun to take him to the zoo. After Adam bangun (30 minutes je tido takat buang kelat mata), terus ke zoo Taiping. At first Adam duduk dengan Mummy and Bibik but halfway through dah tak tahan nak sgt ikut Tok Papa. Once dengan Tok Papa baru dia happy and noticed all the animals. His favourite site - Africa Savannah. Ishk menjerit sakan coz he saw Giraffe, Zebra, Elephant etc.. all the animals in his book. Normally Ayah baca buku je but now when dia nampak real life and bergerak, riuh la mulut dia. Macam dia sorang je yang nampak the animals.

Along the way as usual we had to stop coz Adam's meal time. (Ishk terasa mcm buku Betty Neels je asyik2 cerita pasal food).

We had fun at the zoo. Now that I know Adam dah kenal binatang my next goal, nak pujuk Ayah bawa Adam to Aquaria. :)

We checked out from the hotel at 3pm and off to Penang. Masuk je highway I dah gone case. Adam awal2 lagi dah terlentuk atas pangku Tok Mama. Sampai jambatan Penang baru le bangun. Timing bagus sgt.

The rest of the day we spend dengan berehat. Malam sempat gak tengok cerita drama Ku Milikmu with my mom and Fiza since everyone dah tido.

31st December

Hem project for the day:
1. beli jeruk
2. nak makan char kuey teow (CKT)
3. beli dvd

Kemal and family, bak and I went out pagi tu.

Destination 1: Kedai jeruk
Bukan beli banyak pon saja buat syarat. Macam tak lengkap if ke Penang tak beli jeruk.

tips beli jeruk:
cari yang guna gula pasir. Lagi selamat. Gula batu or gula Thailand tu tak elok sgt.

Destination 2: Bukit Jambul
Uwa murah gilos DVD kat sini. a week before I bought DVD at TTDI. Sekeping RM9 but here sekeping RM5 je. Berlambak le I beli. Sambil tunggu DVD ready, Kemal and Fiza beli air with black pearl. Hem I know kat BP memang ada air ni but kat KL I seriously jarang beli. Kemal beli flavour honey dew. Sedap gilos.... Hem... kena cari in KL.

Survey as well kedai jual DVD Korea. By way DVD Korea cheap gak kat sini. Nanti nak kirim Fiza and Kemal for confinement but dah out of touch cerita apa best. Any recommendation?

tips beli DVD: cari DVD 9. Better quality and takda la gambar orang keluar masuk pangguk or orang gelak. (annoying)

Destination 3: Kedai Char Kuey Teow (CKT)
CKT kalau you all tahu the type yang basah tu. With the egg masuk last sekali so the wetness tu egg sebenarnya. Ishk dulu ni favourite meal masa tinggal at Vista Angkasa. Time tu balik keje singgah dulu beli Azamuddin Char Kuey Teow. Time dok Pantai Hill pun still sanggup berenti beli. Yummy. Berpusing gak cari kedai best. Kemal found one from his friend. Serious best la CKT dia. Kena makan panas or else akan muak due to the half cooked egg la. Ada niat nak ambil gambar and show the readers rupa CKT ni but the terlupa abis. Nampak makanan apa lagi terus ngap le.

tips makan CKT: makan masa panas la or else muak gilos.

Malam Kemal beli tandoori chicken and garlic nan for dinner. From his livingroom boleh dengar and nampak few groups tengah party waiting for New Year. Music can be heard. Tengah makan tu Bibik bawa Adam minum susu outside. Dunno why tetiba dengar Adam menjerit. When we went outside Adam tengah menangis. Sampai meleleh air mata. Terus dia minta I dukung. Tok Papa nak ambil pon dia tak mau. Cuak sat. According to Bibik, Adam dah tidur but then dia tetiba bangun and menjerit sambil tengok belakang Bibik. Hem kesian. Ntah apa agaknya dia nampak. After dipujuk, Tok Papa amik and bacakan ayat kursi. Lepas tu Adam ok dah.

Few hours before New Year, sedih sangat coz for the past few years, this is the first time tak celebrate NY with Bi. Hem cuak gak mana mamat ni pi in KL? Tetiba my sms bunyi. La kesiannya kereta my hubby rosak tepi highway LDP. Kesian dia. Dah le kena keluar cari food coz his wife pi holiday, now kereta pulak break down. Nasib baik ada Abang Mie (my bro-in-law) from Klang tolong.

Midnight dapat sms from Bi lagi wishing me Happy New Year and telling us (Adam and I) that the fireworks from OU can be seen from our living from. Kesian Bi sesorang je kat KL. Kejam ke I ek?

1st January 2009

Pagi2 lagi we all dah siap nak balik KL. Takut jam. Adam dah siap pakai his favourite baju Thomas. Sempat tu baca buku dengan Kak Icha. Siap ada masa gak try botol susu Kak Icha.

Mak and Bak bersemangat. "Orang duduk belakang kena pakai seat belt. Undang2 baru kuatkuasa 1st Jan, takut kena saman".

So to those oversea, yup now in Malaysia beginning this year, it is compulsory for all back seat passengers to pakai tali pinggang keledar.

KL here we come...


  1. My nephew kat sini pun gila Thomas the tank engine. He's almost 6 yrs old now. Masih lagi ngan Thomas. :D

    Is it compulsory to have baby seats in the car as well?

  2. To date tak compulsory lagi but I guess soon will be la.
